Our collective show and tell table.
To share ideas, joke, music, pictures and imaginary 'delux bramble' zoots with one another...so to speak.
Like what we do in real life innit!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Here is my latest remix/cover. My unique take on Foster The People's classic 'Pumped Up Kicks'. I hope everybody enjoys. For a free download go to my soundcloud page. http://soundcloud.com/dyester

A sharp dude

Dont see many 'off the top' freestyles these days. First time iv heard this dude.
If i was Sir Al Sugar id say hes got potential.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Mesmerizing table skills

One wrong move though, and you get a table in the face! Ooo.

The drop of Dew! Local history time ...

Looks great!
and transportine is such a heavy blog!

Its [just past] that time again

Time for Mighty Mys's yearly rap up.

Monday, 16 January 2012

'AAHH' & 'FRESH' classic sample source

For those that care.. Listen to the last 5 seconds.

Classic scratch samples!

Friday, 13 January 2012

Robinson's undiluted juice.

London Boyz...

Ah, just as I remember it.

Anagrams of tube stops

Click to view

Stay safe at work or DIE!

Long but gruesome!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Human towers. Cool man!

Casteller from Mike Randolph on Vimeo.

'In the city of Tarragona, Spain, castellers gather every two years to see who can build the highest, most intricate human castles. This uniquely Catalan tradition requires astonishing strength, finesse, and balance. Not to mention courage.'